- Chapter 1: Addition and Subtraction
1.1 Addition: Addition using objects
1.2 Simple addition problems
1.3 Solve Put Together Problems
1.4 Solve Put Together Problems with Both Addends Unknown
1.5 Solve Take From Problems
1.6 Compare Problems: More
1.7 Compare Problems: Fewer (Less)
1.8 Solve Add To Problems with Change Unknown
1.9 Connect Put Together and Take Apart Problems - Chapter 2: Fluency and thoughts upto 10
2.1 Add 0
2.2 Subtract 0 and Subtract All
2.3 Add and Subtract 1
2.4 Add Doubles from 1 to 5
2.5 Use Doubles
2.6 Add in Any Order
2.7 Count On to Add
2.8 Count Back to Subtract
2.9 Use Addition to Subtract - Chapter 3: Addition and Subtraction – More situations within 10
3.1 Solve Add To Problems with Start Unknown
3.2 Solve Take From Problems with Change Unknown
3.3 Solve Take From Problems with Start Unknown
3.4 Compare Problems: Bigger Unknown
3.5 Compare Problems: Smaller Unknown
3.6 True or False Equations
3.7 Find Numbers That Make 10 - Chapter 4: Addition – Numbers within 20
4.1 Add Doubles from 6 to 10
4.2 Use Doubles within 20
4.3 Count On to Add within 20
4.4 Add Three Numbers
4.5 Add Three Numbers by Making a 10
4.6 Add 9
4.7 Make a 10 to Add
4.8 Problem Solving: Addition within 20 - Chapter 5: Subtract Numbers within 20
5.1 Count Back to Subtract within 20
5.2 Use Addition to Subtract within 20
5.3 Subtract 9
5.4 Get to 10 to Subtract
5.5 More True or False Equations
5.6 Make True Equations
5.7 Problem Solving: Subtraction within 20 - Chapter 6: Count and Write Numbers to 120
6.1 Count to 120 by Ones
6.2 Count to 120 by Tens
6.3 Compose Numbers 11 to 19
6.4 Tens
6.5 Tens and Ones
6.6 Make Quick Sketches
6.7 Understand Place Value
6.8 Write Numbers in Different Ways
6.9 Count and Write Numbers to 120 - Chapter 7: Compare Two-Digit Numbers
7.1 Compare Numbers 11 to 19
7.2 Compare Numbers
7.3 Compare Numbers Using Place Value
7.4 Compare Numbers Using Symbols
7.5 Compare Numbers Using a Number Line
7.6 1 More, 1 Less; 10 More, 10 Less - Chapter 8: Add and Subtract Tens
8.1 Mental Math: 10 More
8.2 Mental Math: 10 Less
8.3 Add Tens
8.4 Add Tens Using a Number Line
8.5 Subtract Tens
8.6 Subtract Tens Using a Number Line
8.7 Use Addition to Subtract Tens
8.8 Add Tens to a Number - Chapter 9: Addition Two-Digit Numbers
9.1 Add Tens and Ones
9.2 Add Tens and Ones Using a Number Line
9.3 Make a 10 to Add
9.4 Add Two-Digit Numbers
9.5 Practice Addition Strategies
9.6 Problem Solving: Addition - Chapter 10: Measure and Compare Lengths
10.1 Order Objects by Length
10.2 Compare Lengths Indirectly
10.3 Measure Lengths
10.4 Measure More Lengths
10.5 Solve Compare Problems Involving Length - Chapter 11: Represent and Interpret Data
11.1 Sort and Organize Data
11.2 Read and Interpret Picture Graphs
11.3 Read and Interpret Bar Graphs
11.4 Represent Data
11.5 Solve Problems Involving Data - Chapter 12: Time reading
12.1 Tell Time to the Hour
12.2 Tell Time to the Half Hour
12.3 Tell Time to the Hour and Half Hour
12.4 Tell Time Using Analog and Digital Clocks
- Chapter 13: Two- and Three-Dimensional Shapes
13.1 Sort Two-Dimensional Shapes
13.2 Describe Two-Dimensional Shapes
13.3 Combine Two-Dimensional Shapes
13.4 Create More Shapes
13.5 Take Apart Two-Dimensional Shapes
13.6 Sort Three-Dimensional Shapes
13.7 Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes
13.8 Combine Three-Dimensional Shapes
13.9 Take Apart Three-Dimensional Shapes - Chapter 14: Patterns
14.1 What comes next
- Chapter 1: Addition and Subtraction
1. Phonological awareness
1.1 Beginning Consonants
1.2 Ending Consonants
1.3 Beginning and Ending Consonants
1.4 Short and Long Vowels
1.5 Consonant Blends
1.6 Rhyming
1.7 Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
1.8 Syllables
1.9 3-Letter Blends
1.10 Silent E
1.11 Word Families2. Reading and Foundation
2.1 Short Stories
2.2 Key Details
2.3 Beginning, Middle, End
2.4 Words and Emotions
2.5 Story vs Informational Text
2.6 Identifying Narrator
2.7 Illustrations and Details
2.8 Compare and Contrast
2.9 Stories, including fables3. Reading Information
3.1Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
3.2 Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs.
3.3 Making Predictions/Drawing Conclusions
3.4 Understand Words or Phrases
3.5 Locate Key Information
3.6 Text vs Pictures
3.7 Classifying/Visualizing/Sequencing
3.8 Supporting Text
3.9Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the words into syllables.
3.10 Riddles/Clues
3.11 Reading Practice4. Vocabulary Building
4.1 Sight Word List and Flash Cards
4.2 Trace and Write the Sight Words
4.3 Short Vowel Spelling Words
4.4 Long Vowel Spelling Words
4.5 Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homophones
4.6 Homonyms and Compound Words
4.7 Sorting Words by Family
4.8 Irregular Spelling Words
4.9 Sort Words into/by Categories
4.10 Root Words and Inflectional Forms
4.11 Words in Real Life
4.12 Meaning from Context Clues
4.13 Shades of Meaning – Verbs/Adjectives
4.14 ABC Order5. Grammar and Punctuation
5.1 Nouns and Pronouns
5.2 Singular and Plural
5.3 Verbs
5.4 Adjectives
5.5 Subjects and Predicate
5.6 Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
5.7 Conjunctions
5.8 Determiners and Articles
5.9 Using Prepositions
5.10 Prefix and Suffix
5.11 Statements, Questions, and Commands
5.12 Capitalization, Period, and Exclamation Mark6. Writing
6.1 The Alphabet Review
6.2 Building Words
6.3 Sentences and Word Order
6.4 Beginning, Middle, and End
6.5 Writing, Naming, and Mapping Stories
6.6 Recall and Write