Chapter 1: Understand Multiplication and Division
1.1 Use Equal Groups to Multiply
1.2 Use Number Lines to Multiply
1.3 Use Arrays to Multiply
1.4 Multiply in Any Order
1.5 Divide: Size of Equal Groups
1.6 Divide: Number of Equal Groups
1.7 Use Number Lines to DivideChapter 2: Multiplication Facts and Strategies
2.1 Multiply by 2
2.2 Multiply by 5
2.3 Multiply by 10
2.4 Multiply by 0 or 1
2.5 Use the Distributive Property
2.6 Problem Solving: MultiplicationChapter 3: More Multiplication Facts and Strategies
3.1 Multiply by 3
3.2 Multiply by 4
3.3 Multiply by 6
3.4 Multiply by 7
3.5 Multiply by 8
3.6 Multiply by 9
3.7 Practice Multiplication Strategies
3.8 Multiply Three Factors
3.9 More Problem Solving: MultiplicationChapter 4: Division Facts and Strategies
4.1 Use Arrays to Divide
4.2 Relate Multiplication and Division
4.3 Divide by 2, 5, or 10
4.4 Divide by 3 or 4
4.5 Divide by 6 or 7
4.6 Divide by 8 or 9
4.7 Divide by 0 or 1
4.8 Practice Division Strategies
4.9 Problem Solving: DivisionChapter 5: Patterns and Fluency
5.1 Identify Patterns in the Multiplication Table
5.2 Use the Multiplication Table
5.3 Complete Multiplication Tables
5.4 More Problem SolvingChapter 6: Relate Area to Multiplication
6.1 Understand Area
6.2 Measure Area Using Standard Units
6.3 Find Area by Multiplying
6.4 Area and the Distributive Property
6.5 Find Areas of More ShapesChapter 7: Round and Estimate Numbers
7.1 Place Value
7.2 Round Numbers Using a Number Line
7.3 Round Numbers Using Place Value
7.4 Estimate Sums
7.5 Estimate DifferencesChapter 8: Add and Subtract Multi-Digit Numbers
8.1 Identify Addition Properties
8.2 Use Number Lines to Add
8.3 Use Mental Math to Add
8.4 Use Partial Sums to Add
8.5 Add Three-Digit Numbers
8.6 Add Three or More Numbers
8.7 Use Number Lines to Subtract
8.8 Use Mental Math to Subtract
8.9 Subtract Three-Digit Numbers
8.10 Relate Addition and Subtraction
8.11 Problem Solving: Addition and SubtractionChapter 9: Multiples and Problem Solving
9.1 Use Number Lines to Multiply by Multiples of 10
9.2 Use Place Value to Multiply by Multiples of 10
9.3 Use Properties to Multiply by Multiples of 10
9.4 Problem Solving: Multiplication and Division
9.5 Problem Solving: All OperationsChapter 10: Understand Fractions
10.1 Equal Parts of a Whole
10.2 Understand a Unit Fraction
10.3 Write Fractions of a Whole
10.4 Fractions on a Number Line: Less Than 1
10.5 Fractions on a Number Line: Greater Than 1Chapter 11: Understand Fraction Equivalence and Comparison
11.1 Equivalent Fractions
11.2 Equivalent Fractions on a Number Line
11.3 Relate Fractions and Whole Numbers
11.4 Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator
11.5 Compare Fractions with the Same Numerator
11.6 Compare Fractions on a Number Line
11.7 Compare Fractions
11.8 Compare and Order FractionsChapter 12: Understand Time, Liquid Volume, and Mass
12.1 Time to the Nearest Minute
12.2 Measure Elapsed Time within the Hour
12.3 Measure Elapsed Time Across the Hour
12.4 Problem Solving: Time Interval Problems
12.5 Understand and Estimate Liquid Volume
12.6 Measure Liquid Volume
12.7 Understand and Estimate Mass
12.8 Measure MassChapter 13: Classify Two-Dimensional Shapes
13.1 Identify Sides and Angles of Quadrilaterals
13.2 Describe Quadrilaterals
13.3 Classify Quadrilaterals
13.4 Draw QuadrilateralsChapter 14: Represent and Interpret Data
14.1 Read and Interpret Picture Graphs
14.2 Make Picture Graphs
14.3 Read and Interpret Bar Graphs
14.4 Make Bar Graphs
14.5 Make Line Plots
14.6 Measure Lengths: Half Inch