Dictionaries help in assigning a key for every value in the sequence.
citydict =
“city” : “Chicago”,
“population”, “2.8 million”,
“density” : 12000
A dictionary is a collection which is ordered, changeable and do not allow duplicates.
Dictionaries are written with curly brackets, and have keys and values:Duplicate keys are not allowed in dict, for example
citydict =
“city” : “Chicago”,
“population”, “2.8 million”,
“density” : 12000
“density” ” 11000 // not allowed
}Dictionary length
A dictionary length mean the number of items in it.
len(citydict) returns 3
Accessing a dictionary item using []A dictionary item can be accessed using its key.
x = citydict[“Population”]
print(x) outputs “2.8 million”
Accessing a dictionary item using get functionAnother way of accessing a dictionary item using get() function
x = citydict.get(“Population”)
print(x) outputs “2.8 million”Getting all keys of dict
keys() method returns all the keys of a dictionary
report = {“subject”:”Maths”,”grade”:”A”,”marks” : 99}x = report.keys()
print(x) outputs dict_keys([‘subject’, ‘grade’, ‘marks’])Getting all values of dict
values() method returns all the values of a dictionary
report = { “subject”: “Maths”, “grade”:”A”, “marks” : 99}x = report.values()
print(x) outputs dict_keys([‘Maths’, ‘A’, ’99’])Getting all items of dictitems() method returns all the values of a dictionaryExample
report = { “subject”: “Maths”, “grade”:”A”, “marks” : 99}x = report.items()
print(x) outputs dict_items([(‘subject’, ‘Maths’), (‘grade’, ‘A’), (‘marks’, 99)])Add a new item in the Dictionary
One can easily add a new item to an existing dictionary using the following syntax
For example you have a dictionary called report
report= { “subject”: “Maths”, “grade”:”A”, “marks” : 99}And you want to add a new item called rank with a value of 7
report[“rank”] = 7Check if the item is added or not
print(report) outputs {‘subject’: ‘Maths’, ‘grade’: ‘A’, ‘marks’: 99, ‘rank’: 7}Change existing item in the Dictionary
To change an item , for example marks from 99 to 97
report[“marks”] = 97or
report.update({“marks”: 97})Remove an item from the Dictionary
There are several methods to remove an item. One such method is pop()
For example to remove rank from the reportreport.pop(“rank”)or
del report[“rank”]Emptying a dictionary
The clear() method empties the dictionary.
report.clear()Nested dictionaries
A dictionary can contain another dictionary, this is called nested dictionaries.
For example student dictionary is inserted inside report
report={“subject”:”Maths”,”grade”:”A”,”marks”:99,”student”:{“name”:”David”,”class”:9,”section”:”A”}}Copy dictionariesDo not copy a dictionary simply by typing mydict2 = mydict1, as mydict2 will only be a reference to mydict1, and changes made in mydict1 will automatically also be made in mydict2.
You need to use copy() method to copy a dictionary
report2 = report.copy()