SAT English Syllabus

  • SAT English ( Reading and Writing) Syllabus

    This section contains short and medium passages 100 to 150 words, with direct and indirect questions. It aims to assess English reading, comprehension, analytical, reasoning and general language skills. 

    The syllabus contains the following two broader topics.

    1. Critical Reading and Vocabulary
    2. Writing and Language


    Critical Reading

    The critical reading questions focused on  Reading and Understanding passages  and English Vocabulary

    Writing and Language

    The writing questions are related to Improving or correcting sentences and paragraphs. One needs to focus on grammar and language


    Key focus areas

    The reading and writing questions are focused on the following skill areas

    • Standard English Conventions
      1. Formation of English sentences
      2. Sentence structure and correctness
      3. Usage and correction of punctuation
      4. Sentence boundaries


    • Craft and Structure
      1. Words and phrases in context
      2. Cross text connections
      3. Reasoning and comprehension
      4. Vocabulary and Synthesis


    • Expression of Ideas
      1. Ability to revise texts
      2. Enhance the effectiveness of written expression
      3. Rhetorical synthesis transition


    • Information and Analysis
      1. Information analysis from tables, graphs and text
      2. Interpretation and inferences
      3. Command of evidence
      4. Reasoning and analytical evaluation
