Develop problem solving skills


Acquiring Problem solving skills

The human brain undergoes maximum development during the first five years of its life. A child’s brain undergoes a lot of changes up to the age of 5.

This development primarily dictates the child’s ability to learn new things, solve problems and emotional strength at later stages of his/her life. One can say that this is one of the most crucial periods of one’s life.

The skills a child develops at this age will be of paramount value. One such skill a child can develop easily, is the skill to solve problems.

There are many merits of learning problem solving at an early stage of a child’s life. Some of them are:

  1. One approaches every problem in a logical way rather than viewing a problem as a bulk load.
  2. It improves one’s self-esteem and confidence to face problems of any kind.
  3. It always keeps one’s mind proactive and engaged.
  4. Not only can one solve problems with easy, but they also enjoy the process.
  5. It helps widening one’s horizon. One tries exploring different ways of solving a single problem. The quality of a one’s adult life will be good if one develops these skills at a young age.

We, at are here to help with the same. At a child/parent/teacher can find numerous worksheets well suited

for the colourful minds of children from the ages 3-16 on various mathematical topics. Each of the worksheets and model exams have been prepared with so much love and utmost care keeping in mind the view and perspective of little children.
The worksheets and model exams have all the topics from the syllabus for pre-primary school children till puc/intermediate students. Solving these Maths and science worksheets will instill a love for Maths and science as well as problem solving in kids, at a very young age and this is exactly what we want to achieve.


Check out right away for class lkg to class 10, plus 1 and plus 2 maths, science and logical reasoning worksheets and model exams for various competitions!

This helps to set strong foundation for Olympiads and future competitions like JEE, NEET, CET, EAMCET, Comed-k and other engineering and medicine admissions

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